Gun Trusts

Gun Trusts

Experienced Lawyer | Locally Owned

10+ Years of Combined Experience
Locally Owned

Ensuring Easy Legal Transfer of Your Guns After Death

Ensure that the legal transfer of your guns to your legatee is carried out properly by establishing a gun trust with the help of the attorney at David P. Bradley, Jr. Attorney 

at Law.  With years of experience, our lawyer knows how to protect your executor from any unforeseen issues that may arise, following your passing.

Advantages of a Gun Trust

  • Allows more than one person to possess and use the weapons
  • Keeps the gun in the trust after the current owner's death to avoid usual transfer requirements 
  • Avoids possible future restrictions on gun transfers

Call to Schedule a Consultation


Our friendly and courteous attorney can make home, hospital, precinct, and jail visits. Contact David P. Bradley, Jr. Attorney at Law today to schedule an appointment.
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